Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Black Sea Wines Update - Moving to Greece - Sorry about the pause between posts

We have not posted for awhile because Barry is in the process of moving to Greece. The good news is that he will have even greater access to the wines of the region.

Other items about us:
  • Black Sea Wines is listed on an excellent Eastern European food blog on About.com by Barbara Rolek. We are planning to do a joint post for an Easter meal pairing food and wine. Look for it.
  • There's a short article about us in Romanian (which I wrote myself!) on the Bucharest restaurant blog called Restograf. If you are looking for a restaurant in Bucharest, this is the site. (The picture of me is not current nor flattering. I assure you that I have not walked into a shopping mall and opened fire.)
  • We have updated our list of regional wine associations and organizations. Please send us links to your organization. We will update the calendar of events in coming weeks.
  • New reviews are coming shortly.
Please sign up for an email subscription, leave comments and feel free to submit content. Noroc, na zdrave, cheers!

    1 comment:

    1. 16부작으로 알려진 드라마 ‘카지노’는 카지노의 왕으로 불리는 주인공이 목숨을 걸고 게임을 펼치는 내용을 담은 범죄 다파벳 액션물로 최민식과 영화 ‘범죄도시’ 강윤성 감독의 만남으로 화재를 모으고 있다. 카지노는 디즈니+ 대규모 프로젝트로 카지노 왕의 매혹적 이야기를 그린 범죄 액션물이다. 배우 최민식과 영화 '범죄도시' 강윤성 감독이 만나 생존과 목숨을 걸고 게임에 복귀하는 흥미로운 이야기를 그릴 예정이다.
